1.But the president said the INA "would continue, practically without change, the national origins quota system. "
2.Perhaps the fish signstands for an astral word - a bit like using a pictogram of the sun ina puzzle to mean "son" .
3.Symbiosis with their parents, 10 children, including a pair of twin brothers, but Ina and Lily is the only surviving home of two children.
4.INA's executive management declares environmental protection one of the company's goals.
5.Speaking from the home of his third wife, Ina Chan, Mr Ho said the public dispute had taken a toll on his family.
6.As the system measures the exact expansion of the inner ring, the interface fit between the bearing and the shaft is accurately achieved.
7.Soon after that incident Mana Ina was no longer allowed to go out.
8.A country that could control space ina time of conflict might also exercise that control in a time of peace.
9.INA is one of the first manufacturers in Europe to supply volume-produced hydraulic valve lash adjustment elements.
10.I needed to start learning from ABC , it was a hard work, later ina mid-term exam, my English was at middle level rankings.