1.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)(联合国)国际复兴(与)开发银行
1.(=International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
1.The Bank Group's new strategy for engagement with IBRD partners contains a range of proposals designed to help us meet their expectations.
2.IBRD could make new commitments of up to U$100 billion over the next three years.
3.IBRD continues to support Argentina in its efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and its own national health goals.
4.Country exposure [IBRD] The extent to which a financial institution has lent money to one country.
5.This instrument relies on donor resources to lower the cost of an IBRD loan targeted at priority health activities.
6.IBRD bonds have been available through brokers or financial intermediaries active in the capital markets for the last 60 years.
7.As a result of IBRD involvement, Uruguay has created a more transparent and accountable water sector.
8.To address the challenge, the IBRD set out to promote greater private sector participation to improve the sector.
9.IBRD and Brazilian treasury officials worked with a consortium of private sector consultants to achieve this goal.
10.central vice presidencies [IBRD]: Vice presidencies in IBRD responsible for the central research and operations support functions.