1.Institute of Administrative Management
2.internal auditory meatus
3.Institute of Advanced Motorists
1.Therefore, each allocation unit has at least one IAM page for each file on which it has extents.
2.At the dock Iam shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a neighborhood of rock.
3.because iam tired tired for you tired for me we make ourselves happy regardless of how much grudging we have!
4.I lost goals, I feel that Iam drifting on the time current like a leaf, the life is meaningless as if it was dead water.
5.Dutch courage because Iam now about to return to the train station and spend a few hours committing a deadly sin: queue jumping.
6.At present Iam ready to promise that the instant that I can communicate with you without endangering my own combinations, I shall do so.
7.iam sure that, without modern weapons, i would make a very poor show of disputing the ownership of a cave with a bear.
8.According to an IAM news release, the "new contract is a dramatic improvement over the original offer. " It did not provide details.
9.I hope you know how proud Iam of you, father. Happy Father's Day! Happiness always!
10.But, I feel, Iam still lucky, because at least I have a dream, if I have a dream, I will have a sweat feeling.