1.in Greek mythology, the god of the sun. The son of Hyperion and Thea, he drove his golden chariot across the sky from east to west each day.
1.By entering EOS or Helios tower, you are now ready to go to the bottom.
2.As Kratos entered the cave, Eos, Goddess of Dawn and sister to Helios, sat above him, visibly weakened by the absence of the sun.
3.The opinions expressed here are the author's alone and do not necessarily reflect the position of Helios Global, Inc.
4.Of the 23 student cars, Helios was the only one built by middle school students.
5.The very chariot that the Fire Speeds pulled across the sky every day, allowing the brilliance of Helios to shine down on all mankind.
6.The Titan Atlas has been freed from the Pits of Tartarus, and has taken my brother, Helios, from his rightful place in the sky.
7.Enter the proper Helios repository information, if it isn't already available.
8.Through focus groups, it became clear that the name Helios had the highest recognition and was thus the most important item to keep.
9.Helios introduces an affinity metric expressing the suitability to run a process on a kernel.
10.Among them is the Helios Clinic in the town of Hattingen, which specializes in neurosurgical and neurological rehabilitation.