1.ancient city in west central Syria, 121 km (75 mi) southwest of Aleppo.
1."The worrying thing is that this was orchestrated as the beginning of something better, but this may be the end of the line, " Ms Hama said.
2."Mr. Hatoyama is trying to bring about change, yet he faces resistance from within his own camp, " Professor Hama of Doshisha said.
3.Security forces attacked Hama more than a week ago, escalating the violent suppression of mass demonstrations in the city.
4.Once again, it seems an Assad is trying to make an example of the defiant, religiously conservative Syrian city of Hama.
5.HAMA and HAMD score of depression and stagnation of Qi patients were all higher than other syndromes (P01).
6.In today's upheaval, however, Hama has been a model of peaceful protest.
7.Just north of the city on the road to Hama, the tribal citizens of Telbiseh and Rastan have had their own fun.
8.An empty plinth is also one of the most noticeable things on entry to Hama, which is guarded by a security checkpoint on the main road.
9.Reports from the Syrian city of Hama say government tanks have been shelling residential neighbourhoods indiscriminately.
10.Last week, there were reports that the frontline security personnel in Hama had been withdrawn.