1.You'd like to see Yao do what Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan or Dwight Howard have done and that's inspire his team to bigger things.
2.Fran_Blinebury: I trade McGrady for Garnett faster than you could read this paragraph. But it has no, none, nada, zilch chance of happening.
3.Garnett : Only talking about carbon emissions is actually a bit of a misnomer.
4.Marine Corps Lieutenant Tom Garnett, a US military spokesman in Iraq, said: "The shooter is a US soldier and he is in custody. "
5.Yao Ming of the Rockets pillar has been blocked outside, see Garnett and powerful one-handed snatching up the ball to the plate outside.
6.I feel sorry for Garnett, he doesn't deserve to be on this garbage team, I wish they would trade him to the Bulls.
7."I consider us to be one of the best defensive teams in the league, and tonight, we were challenged, fully, " forward Kevin Garnett said.
8.In rebounds , and Yao is almost the same as Garnett, Garnett's defense may be better than Yao Ming, Yao Ming can cover some of the shooting.
9.Noah, who grew up in France, felt Garnett was hard on him, both for being a rookie and being from Europe.
10.MARK GARNETT: It was almost a badge of honor that he would come away from these meetings with egg yolk running down his suit.