1.Graphic Interchange Format: a type of computer file that contains an image. GIF is also used as part of a file name.
1.PNG is an excellent filetype for internet graphics, as it supports transparency in browsers with an elegance that GIF does not possess.
2.J&K: An animated . gif is usually a sequence of stills pulled from video, animated art, or other imagery that is repurposed into a . gif.
3.The flash-based site is very easy to use and lets you stretch and resize JPG, GIF, and PNG files using a technique known as seam carving.
4.Similar effect can be achieved with the help of a particular type of digital graphics, known as animated . gif images.
5.One color in a GIF can be designated as transparent, so that the image will have the background color of any Web page that displays it.
6.From the file menu, choose "Save as" , give it a name ending with the GIF extension, i. e. , "myfile. gif" and save it.
7.Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) are the only implemented image formats that support multiple frames.
8.Normally, a GIF -encoded image is a sequence of pixel data in order, row by row, from the top to the bottom of the image.
9.In this case, the PNG format was created as a free replacement to GIF and is now the de-facto standard for images on the web.
10.GIF is widely used for transmitting images across the Internet.