1.Fresnel , Augustin Jean 夫瑞奈
1.a unit of frequency, equivalent to 10 hertz
1.Firstly, the secret image is transformed into a digital hologram image by the means of discrete Fresnel diffraction.
2.The resu1ts indicate that this method to monitor the phased array antenna's performance in Fresnel zone is an effective method.
3.Fresnel the merged into the bottom of their hearts "with our blood and flesh, build our new Great Wall, " the solemn melody.
4.For the microscopy by off-axis lensless Fourier transform holography, Fresnel reconstructing method is better than the convolution method.
5.and calculating field distribution on an imaging surface by using Fresnel conversion and transmitting the decoded hologram.
6.The lens may take a variety of shapes, including Fresnel features, and may focus, collimate, or defocus the ultrasonic energy.
7.The shades are quite simple, lots of fresnel effect for glass and metal and then simple shader trees layered with a mib_color_mix node.
8.They were very much like the Fresnel ophthalmic lenses, but had a continuous front surface.
9.The analysis results prove that the manipulator can be used as the Fresnel Lens Optical Landing Aid system's stable platform.
10.Fresnel lens system design was the first try and a commercial Fresnel lens was bought to analyse its model to use at the same time.