1.OS X is often misunderstood, regarded as a pretty version of FreeBSD, a microkernel, and various other things.
2.To set up the remote debugging environment for FreeBSD kernel debugging, you need two machines: a target machine and a development machine.
3.But there is considerable overlap between FreeBSD and Darwin development, and quite a few FreeBSD developers are Apple employees.
4.As a historical note, the first version of Netscape Navigator that ran on FreeBSD with Java support was the Linux version.
5.Depending on your computer setup, you may find it useful to use more than one of them on the same system.
6.FreeBSD is able to run a Linux binary compatibility module, which you must enable at installation time or from the command line.
7.Whether or not the file actually prints depends on configuring it, which is covered in the FreeBSD handbook.
8.FreeBSD: There are currently more than 16, 000 applications ready to download and install in the FreeBSD ports collection.
9.Lots of parts of OS X come from FreeBSD, from the top half of the kernel up into the userland.
10.Logged in as an ordinary user, look around and try out some commands that will access the sources of help and information within FreeBSD.