1.He said Frazer, in her discussions with officials of the DRC and Rwanda, will explore ways to defuse regional tensions.
2.The rites of the "crucified Adonis, " another dying and rising savior god, were also celebrated in Syria at Easter time. As Frazer states.
3.Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer is behind the effort and is giving it her full attention, Courville added.
4."I think they learn information by itself, in isolation, " Frazer said of his students.
5.Assistant Secretary for State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer will also have talks with Rwandan officials.
6.In the previous week, two Rwandans in the AU force were killed, Frazer pointed out.
7.Frazer expressed particular concern that Mr. Mugabe might press for a quick vote that would preclude adequate preparations: