1.The Fibonacci pattern gives plants like the oak tree a competitive edge while collecting sunlight when the Sun moves through the sky.
2.This rule instructs make -- if it wishes to build the target all -- to first make sure that hello, goodbye, and fibonacci are up to date.
3.The Listing 9 output is what I wanted to see, so it's time to leave Fibonacci behind and move on to a real application.
4.The nautilus is one of the most famous examples of a fractal in nature. The perfect pattern is called a Fibonacci spiral.
5.Fibonacci himself and his Western commentators, did not even claim that it was his "creation" .
6.Then we say that for any other natural number, that fibonacci number is the sum of the previous two fibonacci numbers.
7.The judge later confirmed the existence of the code, and revealed that the Fibonacci sequence was indeed the secret to its solution.
8.Fibonacci kisses his three kids before he puts them to bed.
9.This base width is then multiplied by a Fibonacci number to get the total width for a particular column.
10.In Erlang, you separate these statements using a semicolon, so the basic Fibonacci function can be defined as shown in Listing 2.