1.Hence, FPGA fault tolerant design technology must be developed to make up for the insufficiency in radiation resistance of its components.
2.Selecting team members with a strong interest in learning FPGA technology should be a primary objective.
3.Today, FPGAs are often the heart of the system , being designed into mainstream as well as state-of the-art high-volume products.
4.Gathering an ideal team is often a challenge for smaller design groups and organizations with limited FPGA design experience.
5.Occasionally it may be necessary to go back ten or more versions of the FPGA design to revisit a specific problem or subsequent fix.
6.The design has been used in the data transmission of CMOS image sensor and has passed the FPGA prototype verification correctly.
7.The design concept of a radar deceptive jamming modulator is presented, and its implementation structure based on FPGA is put forward.
8.The performance of an FPGA is dependent on its architecture including the design of its logic block and its interconnection fabric.
9.Extensive testing was required to both ensure that the VHDL models behaved properly and to ensure that the FPGA did not damage the NES.
10.The core can be instantiated in the HDL capture of the FPGA design between the native waveform logic and the system bus.