1.an investment plan in which employees acquire stock of the company they work for by making tax-deductible contributions.
1.Overall, ESOPs seem to improve the performance of firms that have them, which may explain why they are increasingly popular.
2.The sense of ownership is so important that many progressive companies have ESOP (Employee Share Option Plans) to reward employees.
3.Ultimately, the rest of the money will be borrowed by a newly formed ESOP, which will eventually own most of Tribune's equity.
4.With shares tied up in Savings Plans and the ESOP, where they could not be easily traded, fewer were sold by worried employees.
5.Not all ESOP will work if the managers do not provide the conditions and tools for employees to excel.
6.Today's plan is to use ESOPs to achieve narrow financial goals, not to forge an enlightened bond with workers.
7.The source, content of employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) is introduced and compare it with other ownership systems.
8.The following High Performance box illustrates how one company "shares the wealth " through company wide bonuses and ESOP plans.
9.The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1989 reduced several of the ESOP tax benefits but the programs remain popular nevertheless.
10.Theoretically, MEBO is the conjugate of MBO and ESOP , embodies the management's and the employee's status and value.