1.(=electronic data interchange)电子数据交换
1.(=electronic data interchange)
1.electronic data interchange: the movement of information between computers in different companies using a network, for example the Internet
1.Mr Nano's own hopes of becoming president were dashed when he failed to win the backing of his successor as party leader, Edi Rama.
2.An example of such an approach might be in the traditional business-to-business arena, typified by EDI standardization.
3.EDI has therefore had no impact at all on their business processes; it has simply meant and additional expense.
4.AS2 is a transport protocol specification for the Internet, and is typically used to send Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messages.
5.Now he is preparing to take the company, edi Car Service, public with a New York listing.
6.The system must also increasingly accept orders from multiple sources, including EDI and the Internet, as well as by internal order entry.
7.New suppliers were informed that trading by EDI was a requirement of trading with Ford, and that no paper transactions would be done.
8.This is the sort of problem that was first solved by Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems that used secured networks to operate.
9.EDI transactions can be conducted only between sites that have been specifically set up with compatible systems.
10.The business process should validate the electronic data interchange (EDI) requests and send the status of the claim back to the provider.