1.city in southern California, southeast of Los Angeles.
1.To prepare for his role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape.
2.While Downey's mother could afford the cost of these packages, it was a financial hardship for Fecteau's parents.
3.Running for the Downey seat was the only possibility for me to move up the political ladder at a time when my political stock was high.
4." Downey said three phrases came to mind when he thought of John: " genius, life saver, the other first lady.
5.A scant five years ago the only time you saw Robert Downey Jr. getting big play in your newspaper came when he was on a perp walk.
6.Downey said he didn't think the men who got into the fight and caused the incident were apprehended.
7.Lincoln pursues Downey up to a mezzanine overlooking the conference area.
8.Downey, similarly, had been told by an instructor, "If you are captured, you'll talk. "
9.Downey has several other computer science books available for free from his publishing company Green Tea Press.
10.On the occasion, Fecteau affirmed "This is still my outfit and always will be, " and Downey declared "I am proud to be one of you. "