1.Mr. Dowling declined to say how many days a week Mr. Jobs is planning to be on the Apple campus, and he declined to discuss his health.
2.Apple spokesman Steve Dowling declined to comment, citing the company's policy not to discuss 'rumors and speculation. '
3.As former Marine and dog handler Mike Dowling put it in an interview, "As long as the dog is with the handler, he's loving life. "
4.Irwin Kellner is chief economist for MarketWatch, and is Distinguished Scholar of Economics at Dowling College in Oakdale, N. Y.
5."Experiences like that in the war were very intense, " says Christopher Dowling.
6.Steve Dowling, an Apple spokesman, declined to comment on what he called "rumors and speculation. "
7."We are glad to have him back, " Mr. Dowling said.
8.During World War I, it collected books and shipped them to troops in the trenches in France, Dowling said.
9.Dowling grabbed the role of Tom for himself and persuaded Laurette Taylor to take on the role of Amanda.
10.The association has already sent $10, 000 each to Petit Goave and Pyepoudre, and $5, 000 to the Saint Martial library, according to Dowling.