1.The days when Mr Diller could proudly claim to be the only old media boss to "get" the internet are long gone.
2.Her husband, the media tycoon Barry Diller, would come, along with "lots of celebrities, " she said.
3.The only cool thing about Mr Diller these days is the "Diller-Plex" , IAC's funky new Manhattan office, designed by Frank Gehry.
4.In summary, Diller's advice was articulate and clearly stated, and provides good context about the potential direction of travel technology.
5.There is no doubt that the job of being a governor is a killer-diller.
6.When Barry Diller was running Paramount, he'd call ten people in his Rolodex each morning, just to say "hi. "
7.Mr Diller wants the deal to be scrutinised carefully by regulators and conditions imposed.
8.Diller Scofidio + Renfro are perhaps best known for a building defined by a cloud of water droplets built for an expo in Switzerland.
9."This has been a little bit slow-going, but primarily because this is the first time we've ever done this, " Diller said.
10.Mr Malone accused Mr Diller of "aggressive" use of the corporate jet, and said that his pay "raised eyebrows" .