1.So I thought of a solution, to build an art museum, not so far from the center, something like the Dia: Beacon museum (in New York).
2.The married Roy spies on his affianced neighbour Dia in her underwear and then inveigles her to lunch in order to admit as much.
3.Conclusion: It has no specific clinical charactors in NVM. Echo- cardiography is the best method to dia. . .
4.In the end Sindoora is trying to blackmail Bharat and Divya saying she will kill Dia if they try to save Amar.
5.CIFA's designation as a law enforcement activity did not transfer to DIA.
6.One Example of this is when she forgets baby Dia in the bath tub luckily, Amar came and saved the baby and rushed her to the hospital.
7.Mamadou Dia, head of the Senegalese water company Senegalaise des Eaux, was among the African entrepreneurs scouting for business partners.
8.Carrefour has recently introduced over 100 DIA supermarkets that cater to urban consumers looking for a place to shop close to home.
9.DiA: In a more general sense, what do you think of Wikileaks?
10.Carrefour proposed a partial sale of its property in March, along with the sale of Dia, a successful Spanish hard-discount chain.