1.Musole said he thought he could solve the mystery if he could interview members of the ABC team and Mark and Delia Owens.
2.Delia: Nell, it was such a shame you were away last week. You should have been here.
3.Delia: But she did and she won. We were watching it on a big screen outside city hall.
4.It is no accident that by the time Delia Bacon entered the field, Shakespeare had become almost a god in the public imagination.
5."" Delia, COME and sit here, "" said Joe. He drew her to the couch and sat beside her.
6.In hope of more satisfactory help I telephoned Delia Cushway, a dream expert and a professor of clinical psychology at Coventry university.
7.let the four walls come together, if they will, so you and your Delia are between.
8.If you make a single mistake, Delia will pounce on you and say you're a fool.
9.Mark and Delia urged government ministers and game-management officials to protect the animals, but their pleas were rejected.
10.Essentially, Delia's grab bag just makes things seem a little less daunting; a wee bit more achievable.