1.Once he reaches his hometown, Tandil, where del Potro has about 150 relatives, he said the party could begin in earnest.
2.ah , " said the count negligently , looking attentively at morcerf , " is there not something like an execution upon the piazza del popolo ?
3.And if she did not see it in the del Prado, Olimpia, or Cine Mexico then she would say he was dead.
4.Paxson said he hopes to hire the assistants for new coach Vinny Del Negro within the next few days.
5.As such, it provides a robust, easy-to-use widget to view, add, edit or delete del. icio. us bookmarks from within any PHP application.
6.Del Negro, assistant general manager of the Phoenix Suns, has never been a head coach.
7.It looked as if Mido elbowed Del Horno. If you take a ten-yard run-up and your elbows are up, you are always going to be in trouble.
8.Using a process developed by Helice Bridges of Del Mar, California, she called each student to the front of the class, one at a time.
9.In the Laguna del Tigre national park lies a "cemetery" of more than 30 crashed light aircraft which had been used to ferry cocaine.
10.Darwin visited Tierra del Fuego, Tahiti and Tasmania, along with other exotic locales, but he never set foot in the United States.