1.For as long as it believes sacrificing Sir Victor and Mr Daniels would be interpreted as a recognition of its own bungling, they will stay.
2.Mr Thomson asked Mr Daniels about Peter and Mr Daniels said he was a very pleasant young man.
3.Mr Daniels is one of several bank bosses, including Barclays' John Varley and HSBC's Stephen Green, to step down in recent weeks.
4.Omega began to produce it in limited editions in 2006, after seven years of "development" that Mr Daniels dismissed as unnecessary.
5."Supposedly we are not capable of making decisions like this, " Mr Daniels said, grinning as he smacked a stubborn bottle of ketchup.
6."Don't assume you know what's expected of you, " says Sharon Daniels, CEO of Tampa-based training and development firm AchieveGlobal.
7.A SCHOOLBOY once asked George Daniels what he had at the end of the chain that led to his pocket.
8.We kept expecting it to stop, we began to pray it would stop, " Daniels said. "
9.Charlie Daniels' office puts the cash in the bank and the valuables in two big safes in the capital of Little Rock.
10.Kudos , then, to screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher and director Lee Daniels for injecting at least some humor and hope into the film.