1.White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the president would veto the bill in its present form.
2.One night while getting ready to go onstage, Dana was frantically searching through his contact bag.
3.Dana Bash take us out on the campaign trail that look like a money trail, to see how much being spent, and where's all coming from.
4.When I went up to a woman named Dana and told her that she looked exactly the same, she said, "But you never thought I looked good. "
5.Dana Saporta, an economist with Credit Suisse in New York, said the survey did not signal any robust economic rebound.
6.Then he saw his wife Dana standing next to him, saying, "You're still you, and I love you. "
7.Harold Thomas, Dana Stevens, Danielle Bollinger, and "Key" are all the front vocalists in the group and are no strangers to the stage.
8.The authors would like to thank Dana St. Clair for her editing of multiple versions of this article.
9.Dana: Sorry, but not tonight. I'll make it up to you guys another time.
10.After the series ended, Dana had a hard time trying to find other acting work.