1.Mr Daley faced more criticism in June when he said that Chicago would cover any Olympics cost overruns with its own cash.
2.In Washington, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley said there did not appear to be "any enormous impact" from the tsunami in Hawaii.
3.Daley has been a frequent visitor to China, most recently at the Shanghai World Expo last September.
4.I named Bill Daley of Chicago to be secretary of commerce after Mickey Kantor, to my regret, told me he wanted to return to private life.
5.I was having lunch with my mother at Daley Plaza. . . and a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms.
6.Mayor Richard Daley later decided to have vegetation planted on Chicago's City Hall.
7.Richard Daley announced that he would not seek a seventh term as mayor of Chicago next year.
8.Mr. Geithner phoned White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Mr. Sperling and notified them of the downgrade. Messrs.
9.Q. Funny that you're leaving town just as Oprah is quitting and Rich Daley is stepping down.
10.Richard J. Daley led Chicago -- ruled might be a better word -- for twenty-one years. He died in office in nineteen seventy-six.