1.Many current DTDs incorporate ways to deal with some of these issues, but the breadth of the issues leads to more than just a DTD.
2.These helpers make your work a whole lot easier in trying to conform to a DTD (or in developing one).
3.With a good framework of base classes in place, you can basically copy a DTD directly into a set of class definitions or initializations.
4.When parsing XML, UAs do not always read the DTD, and thus may not know what the ID of an element is.
5.The biggest problem with this was that a naive processor is likely to load that DTD URL, which might be an unwanted network operation.
6.With your DTD in a format that's more easily understood by Quick, you're almost ready to move to the next step.
7.In an XML-based DTD, a new set of elements simply needs to be internally consistent and well-formed to be added to an existing DTD.
8.When an XHTML document is created, the DTD to which it conforms is declared at the top of the document.
9.Each information type is defined in its own DTD module, which defines only the new elements for that type.
10.Use parameter entities to pull external declarations into your DTD, or to create in-DTD macros to improve readability.