1.domain name system
1.If the client has no DNS entry, this option should specify the name you want to be contained in the local host file of the LPAR.
2.If you want me to set up wildcard DNS for you, there are a few things Ineed to do on this end to configure your Apache service correctly.
3.We need good ways to intercept DNS requests so they don't "leak" their request to a local observer while we're trying to be anonymous.
4.The process of translating a web address into an IP address through a DNS lookup, or vice versa, is often called "resolving. "
5.DNS. Google has already launched support for people to use their DNS servers instead of that of their ISP.
6.Now, you can add DNS records to the bottom of the zone. Do remember to increment the serial as you add entries though.
7.DNS servers allowed Internet users to type in an easy-to-remember domain name and then converted it to the IP address automatically.
8.Like the Internet itself, DNS was designed to function even in the face of severe disruption of parts of its network.
9.In addition, syslog is often used to record e-mail messages delivery, filesystem issues, and even DHCP leases, DNS issues, and NFS problems.
10.One involves playing some tricks with your DNS so that the standby server takes over the name and IP address of the failed server.