1.Dil, following this precedent of preparing for the end of the world, went into the shop and bought a kilogram of goat meat.
2.After they had eaten, Dil said, as an afterthought, "Now make sure the children don't go out tomorrow, whatever you do. "
3.OBJECTIVE To prepare diltiazem hydrochloride (DIL) sustained release dispersoid to reduce its side reaction.
4.The Seanad may initiate or revise legislation , but the Dil has the power to reject any such amendments or proposed legislation .
5.Dil, showed up that night at his house with a kilo of meat wrapped in sal leaves. He handed it to Kanchi without a word.
6.Rio denies the allegations about its employees Cheap 2moons dil , and says it continues to import ore into China.
7.I am expecting to be arrested at any moment. My crime is being married to Cilia Dil and not betraying her.
8.Based on the previous DIL series contactor, Klckner Moeller Company has developed a new generation of DIL M series contactor.