1.In AWD cars (particularly in rallying) it is often beneficial to have a tighter diff at the back than the front.
2.For the middle omni light use the same settings as above for both Contrast and Soften Diff. Edge but make it a pure white.
3.Patches can be exchanges in the form of files that contain the changes among versions of your code in a standard diff format.
4.The diff time zones is a bit of a challenge but I am going to try to pick the most accessible time for everyone.
5.Instead of a center diff, it takes the front diff's drive forward off a simple beveled gear at the back of the gearbox.
6.Never checkin your changes without giving them a quick review in some sort of a diff tool.
7.The least extreme would be a completely open diff where ALL of the power is sent to the path of least resistence.
8.Swab deep into vertical ear canal, roll out on microscope slide, stain with "Dif-Quick" -type stain, examine under oil immersion.
9.You can compare the current state of your work with the repository using bzr diff, as shown in Listing 4.
10.Be careful with cross-axle diff locks though as, particularly on the front axle, they severely limit your ability to steer.