1.a poisonous chemical used for killing insects that destroy cropsIt also kills animals and is dangerous to humans, so is no longer allowed in many countries. This kind of chemical is called a pesticide or an insecticide.
1.Once upon a time, this was the primary technique, and, in fact, many countries got rid of malaria through DDT.
2.IRS has proven to be just as cost effective as other malaria prevention measures, and DDT presents no health risk when used properly.
3.DDT was banned in the 1970s, in part because it had been found to be weakening bird eggs, resulting in serious population declines.
4.What was not known at the time, however, was DDT's propensity to accumulate, persist and damage the environment.
5.This book caused DDT to be made illegal, and helped save the Bald Eagle, among hundreds and hundreds of other animals.
6.The use of DDT caused the peregrine falcon to become extinct throughout much of its normal range throughout the Eastern United States.
7.The effects of the size and shape of propellant grains, oxygen balance of charges and its permeabilities on the DDT are analyzed.
8.Okay, we could talk about Rachel Carson and DDT, but we know it wasn't good for you and me.
9.Microwave extraction technique is a rapid, accurate and effective method to determine trace hexachlorocyclohexane and DDT in soil.
10.they also requested that the Secretary use his power to suspend the marketing of DDT immediately as an "imminent hazard. "