1.For this reason, all DDL statements (and a few other statements as well) are recorded before they are attempted.
2.With a few clicks you are able to get the Physical Data Model of a DB2 and the DDL scripts to create the tables.
3.A DDL Trigger can fire after execution of any Transact-SQL event that belongs to a predefined grouping of similar events.
4.This can help isolate the effects of DDL changes to only those applications that use parts of that changed schema.
5.A physical data model can be used to generate data definition language (DDL) statements which can then be deployed to a database server.
6.If you generate a Java stored procedure, it has a DDL tab and a Java tab, as shown in Figure 8.
7.Is the name of a Transact-SQL language event that, after execution, causes a DDL trigger to fire.
8.Optionally, data modeler can transform a LDM into a physical database schema and DDL using Rational Data Architect.
9.The DDL trigger fires after execution of any Transact-SQL language event that belongs to event_group.
10.The next step in creating the stored procedure is to issue the CREATE PROCEDURE DDL to register the procedure in the database.