1.database management system
1.And a model of this architecture and a simple relational DBMS run on this architecture are implemented to verify the architecture.
2.we do not believe that oodbms will soon replace the relational dbms as the standard for all, or even most, database applications.
3.Replication in Mnesia is one of the mechanisms used to provide a fault tolerant DBMS.
4.A System Copy between two systems running on different operating systems or different DBMS systems is called a Heterogeneous System Copy.
5.Its proven technology qualifies it as an industrial-strength DBMS for an embedded database server on multiple platforms.
6.OLE DB allows you to develop applications that access perse data sources , whether they are DBMS or not .
7.The DBMS ensures that the index is always consistent with the data in the table by updating it during INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.
8.DBMS automatically fires the trigger as a result of a data modification to the associated table.
9.If there is no index on name, the DBMS does a full table scan and applies the toUpper function on the name column for each tuple.
10.ODBC provides an API that allows your application to be independent of the source database management system ( DBMS ) .