1.And that seems to produce for DARPA what many millions spent on more run-of-the-mill research projects has failed to generate.
2."We sat down and worked out a proposal in a couple of days and submitted it to DARPA, and they funded it in one day, " Rueckes says.
3.DARPA is a US Department of Defense outfit with a strong record in backing high-risk, high-pay-off projects - things like the internet.
4.To its lasting credit, DARPA paid for the necessary software to be developed and made it open-source and freely available.
5.This project is only in the initial phases, as Darpa is still seeking proposals for how researchers might build their models for the maps.
6.But what Ginsburg and company didn't anticipate was just how widespread the benefits of the Darpa initiative would be.
7.Doing that means piquing the interest of the public and of politicians, which DARPA has now done.
8.That doesn't mean you can expect to see Darpa researchers walking down every block with chemical-sampling canisters any time soon.
9.This actually is one of DARPA's very important -- DARPA is the Defense Research Agency -- one of their projects.
10.You know, a good example, of course, is the DARPA net.