1.The DAC 100 needs to be able to count up and down and consequently a reset condition should take it to a point near its mid-range.
2.The DAC further includes a plurality of macro cells with each controlled by one bit of the first thermometer code.
3.The NSA considered this to be a serious problem, because by itself DAC is a poor defense against vulnerable or malicious programs.
4.The main parts of the spurious signal contain: the error of phase calculation, extent error and nonlinearity of DAC.
5.If only cap_dac_override is in the file inheritable set, then only that capability can be inherited into the process's new permitted set.
6.The built-in DAC acts like a switch by switching the integrator input to a positive or a negative reference voltage.
7.So, this paper introduces the DAC calibration principle and method as well as the calibration result.
8.The new DACS-CW multi-lane checkweigher is made of stainless steel for high durability and easy cleaning and maintenance.
9.Sound quality, is decent as well but not on par to even my lowest quality setup, the USB DAC of the Jasmine.
10.When attached to a computer via USB, the speakers can handle the digital to analog conversion for improved sound.