The advantage of the colorful stainless steel was introduced.
综述了不锈钢着色技术在国内外的研究进展 ,讨论了着色技术原理 ,介绍了彩色不锈钢的优异性能 ,并对未来这一技术的发展提出了展
The product structure,the outstanding performance and the craft of the new structure used nylon sheath wires were introduced.
More than 60 characters of 6121 of Yunnan rice and good germplasm were studied by county or automomous prefecture to find out their distribution law of persity and density.
以云南省地州和县为单位对 6 12 1份云南地方稻种及其优异种质 6 0多个性状进行多样性和密度分布规律研究表明 :(1)云南是中国稻种最大的遗传和生态多样性中心及优异资源的富集地区 ,尤其是滇西南的临沧、西双版纳、德宏、思茅和滇东南的文山共 5个地州 13个县构成了云南稻种多样性中心 ,其稻种的多样性与生态多样性和民族的多样性息息相关 ,并与哈尼族善制梯田栽培稻谷有一定联系。
As results,a large number of elite germplasms with one or more elite traits were screened.