
preventive control

preventive control

  • 翻译:预控制


1)preventive control,预控制2)intervention,干预控制3)prevention control table,预控制表4)Look-ahead and feed-forward control,速度预控制5)pre control system,预控制装置6)calculating parameter,预控制参数


The construction measures are put forward to prevent all kinds of masonary cracks so as to realize the preventive control in construction.


According to the injury incidence rate of each community,the Henggang town in Longgang district was selected as intervention point because of the highest incid.


Based on the sister paper connotation and analysis to PID regulator in the multi variable closed loop control system (Ⅰ), this paper focuses on analyzing the design principle of the pre control system and its application in the closed loop control system, as well as those of PI regulator and comprehensive output feedback and their cooperation respectively.

从教学角度出发 ,在《多变量系统中 PID调节器的内涵及相关问题分析 (一 )》的基础上 ,对有效地使被调量跟踪给定值变化的预控制装置的设计原则及其在闭环系统中的应用做了介绍。
