The causes about the difficulties in deinking of water-based ink printing waste paper arising from the composition of water-based ink and the conditions of redeposition were described,and the difficuties about the treatment of deinking effluent also introduced.
Nanon disperse blue 2BLN was prepared from traditional filter-cake by ball milling,reprecipitation and pressure homogenization.
普通分散蓝2BLN染料滤饼和分散剂经机械球磨得到染料分散液,滴加到快速搅拌的分散剂水溶液中进行再沉淀,得到的染料粗品在100 MPa下进行高压均质得到纳米级分散蓝2BLN液体染料,并完成了1 t/批的中试工业化实验研究。