
  • 翻译:欠热


1)underheating,欠热2)subcooled boiling,欠热沸腾3)Sub-cooled boiling,欠热沸腾4)under hardening,欠热淬火5)underheated,欠热的6)underheating emission,欠热发射


Two kinds of thermodynamics quality at onset of nucleate boiling with subcooled boiling were calculated for force circulation by using Bergles and Rohesenow method or Davis and Anderson method,and natural circulation by using Tsinghua University project group s empirical equations suggested in our natural circulation experiment at same condition.


Experimental investigation on the subcooled boiling heat transfer was carried out in a vertical up-flow double narrow annulus with 1.

5 mm环形窄通道实验段竖直向上流动的欠热沸腾传热特性进行了实验研究,得出了适用环形窄缝通道的欠热沸腾传热经验关系式。

Several models for calculating the initial points of subcooled boiling were introduced.

介绍了国外几个典型的计算流动欠热沸腾起始点的模型 。

The anal-ysis shows:①Sub-cooled boiling,condensation and flashing play an important role on the flow instabil-ities in a natural circulation system,and have connection with lots of instabilities,which is different to the forced ci.

