ex dividend

  • 翻译:除息,除股息


1)ex pidend,除息;除股息2)days without interest rate,除息日3)Ex pidend and ex right,除权除息4)ex-pidend basis,除息基准5)Ex Coupon,除息票6)Ex-Dividend,除息、不带息7)Ex-pidend Day Stock Price Behavior Model,除权除息日股价行为8)Ex pidend-without pidend which is due,除息票股息已领过9)X/D (Ex-pidend),除息;无股利的简写10)ED ex pidend,无红利、除息、股利除外


Under the background of stock market in China,thraugh viewing "theory of tax rate s influence" and "theory of disliking stock-pidend" by foreign economists, whether we may explain them as that "during days without interest rate the margin of stook s moving down is less than stock-pidend of each share" is a common phenomenon existed in stook markets or not.

