Cross Debugging Agent,including debugging stub, debugging server, ROM Monitor and Rom Emulator, is an important component for the embedded cross debugging system.
Fuzzy pattern recognition model with cross iteration and its convergence;
Supervised Cross Iteration Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Model;
Aimed at the shortcoming of traditional knowledge representation, a new kind of cross iteration di-agnostic knowledge base structure is presented, based on the idea of fault tree analysis, and the structure is applied to the fault diagnostic expert system for radar equipment.
The algorithms improve some genetic operator,apply iterative-crossover,multi-parent produced multi-children and make the good gene-segment combination.
提出了一种改进的伪并行遗传算法(Improved Pseudo-Parallel Genetic A lgorithm,简称IPPGA),将改进遗传算法与SGA伪并行操作(采用并行思想,在同一台机器上完成操作),保证了种群多样性,防止局部早熟收敛;改进算法对部分遗传算子做了改进,采用迭代交叉,多父代产生多子代,让多个染色体中优秀基因段组合产生子代,大大加快收敛速度;设定一个最优个体保存序列库,防止最优解的丢失。
According to the application purpose, circuit switching of instruments can be pided into emergency substitution, cross substitution and complementary substitution.
根据应用目的将仪器电路的代换划分为 :应急代换 ;交叉代换 ;互补代换 ,并将仪器电路的代换由过去的维修目的延伸为功能扩展。