By studying the trends of the domestic and foreign country power markets, the three transaction modes, spot transaction, futures transaction and forward contract transaction, are analyzed and compared.
通过研究国内外电力市场发展趋势 ,分析比较了电力市场现货交易、期货交易以及远期合约交易 3种交易方式。
Applying the recent contract theory,the paper analyzed three transaction mode: ① market transaction,that the two firms ex post renegotiate surplus;② contract transaction,a bilateral contract transaction mode;and ③ futures transaction,a multi-side contract transaction mode.
Based on a comparative study of China s futures accounting standard and the accounting standard practised in the American futures market, the article points to reconsideration of futures transaction accounting.
Cost analysis in generation company in futures trade;
Economic legal analysis on futures trade relationship;
As futures prices are always obscure, the traditional decision method for futures deal is less practical in actual dealing process.
期货价格预期通常是模糊的 ,因而传统的期货交易决策方法在实际交易过程中往往缺乏可操作性。
Commodities Trading (Dealer, Commodity Trading Advisers & Representatives) Rules
Concise Analysis on the Diversification、Performance and Character of CTAs;
(In fact, if there were no impediments to bargaining, inpiduals would bargain their way to the same levels of public goods or externalities regardless of the legal rule.
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Measuring Online Brokerage Customer Perceived e-Service Quality and Study on Relationship with Customer Loyalty;