suspend payment

  • 翻译:暂停付款


1)suspend payment,暂停付款2)time-out,暂停3)belay,暂停4)inoperative,暂停5)time down,暂停6)dwell,暂停7)pause,暂停8)hang up,暂停9)suspension,暂停10)in recess,暂停


The coach should pay close attention to the art of time-out and substitution(of players),choose the right time and adopt appropriate measures to arrange tactics of a match、point out the right way to our players,inspire their fighting spirit together with the well allocation of the players so as to win the victory over the enemy.


The striking effect will be produced in matches if time-outs are used reasonably and scientifically.


In the latest rules for table tennis tournament, both sides are allowed one time-out For making the best use of time out, the below prinaples should be to llowed: rationality, pertinency and retard type.

最新乒乓球规则中规定一场比赛中双方可以有一次暂停 ,教练员或运动员在比赛中的暂停应注意遵循合理性、针对性和迟后性原则 ,把握好暂停的最佳时机。
